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Emine Sporel Özakat Türkiye'nin ilk IFM sertifikalı 'BiliÅŸsel Gerilemeyi Tersine Çeviren Ä°leri Klinik EÄŸitim'ini alan ve ilk Bredesen Protokolü, 'ReCODE' akredite koçu'dur.
BoÄŸaziçi Üniversitesi ve Ä°stanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik bölümlerinin kuruluÅŸ aÅŸamalarında bulunmuÅŸ ve 16 yıl süre ile bu kurumların akademik kadrosunda yer almıştır. Üniversiteden ayrıldıktan sonra beslenme, spor performansı, saÄŸlıklı yaÅŸam ve koçluk yaklaşımı konularında eÄŸitimlerine devam etmiÅŸtir.
Uluslararası Olimpiyat Komitesi (IOC), Medikal Komisyonu, lisansüstü 'Sporcu Beslenme Uzmanlığı' diplomasını almıştır. Türkiye’nin ilk Olimpik Sporcu Beslenme uzmanıdır. Bu diploma dünyada en deÄŸerli olarak kabul edilen sporcu beslenme diplomalarındandır. ‘Bütüncül Sporcu Beslenmesi’ sertifikası vardır. Performans beslenmesine fonksiyonel ve bütüncül bir yaklaşım uygulamaktadır. Ayrıca Türkiye'nin ilk 'Fonksiyonel Tıp SaÄŸlık Koçu' olma ünvanını da elinde bulundurmaktadır.
Ä°nsan fizyolojisi, toksikoloji, farmakoloji, nörobiyoloji, beslenme, moleküler biyoloji, nutrigenetik, nutrigenomik, profesyonel koçluk, motivasyonel ve performans koçluÄŸu alanlarındaki çeÅŸitli eÄŸitimleri Emine Sporel Özakat’ın saÄŸlıklı yaÅŸam ve performans konusunda danışanlarına bütüncül bir yaklaşımı gerçekleÅŸtirmesini mümkün kılmaktadır. Bu anlamda saÄŸlıklı yaÅŸam ve sporcu performansına hem kiÅŸiye özel hem de 360 derece bütüncül bir yaklaşımı Türkiye’de uygulayan ilk ve tek kiÅŸidir.
Sporla çocuk yaÅŸtan beri iç içe olan Emine Sporel Özakat önce yüzme, lise yıllarında atletizm ve basketbol branÅŸlarında (Atatürk Kız Lisesi, BeÅŸiktaÅŸ Kız Basketbol Takımı), üniversite yıllarında Surrey Üniversitesi, Ä°ngiltere Kız Basketbol Takımı, Ä°ngiltere Üniversitelerarası Kız Milli Basketbol Takımlarında oynayarak devam etmiÅŸtir. Åžimdilerde ise senyör kategorisi tenis branşında spor yapmaya, ulusal ve uluslararası turnuvalara katılmaya devam etmektedir. Sporcularla çalışırken spordan gelerek, sporla iç içe olmaya devam etmenin deÄŸerli olduÄŸunu düÅŸünmektedir.
Emine Sporel Özakat, SPOREL BESLENME, SPOREL be well ve GURME ATLET’in kurucusudur. KiÅŸiye özel bütüncül performans beslenmesi, saÄŸlıklı aktif yaÅŸam, saÄŸlıklı beslenme danışmanlıkları ve fkiÅŸiye özel saÄŸlık yönetimi hizmetleri vermektedir. EÄŸitimci olarak Arel Üniversitesinde yarı-zamanlı doktor öÄŸretim görevlisi olarak dersler (Nutrigenomik, Biyokimya, Fizyoloji), veli, antrenörler ve sporculara seminerler, eÄŸitimler vermeye aynı zamanda bilgilendirici yazılar yazmaya devam etmektedir.
Emine Sporel Özakat is the first IFM certified 'Reversing Cognitive Decline Advanced Clinical Training' and also the first Bredesen Protocole, ReCODE certified health coach in Turkey.
She has worked full time in Molecular Biology and Genetics departments of Bogazici University and Istanbul Technical University for the duration of 16 years. She was involved in research and took part in education. After leaving the academic environment she continued her education in the fields of Sports Nutrition and Wellness and and succsessfully completed the postgraduate ‘Sports Nutrition Diploma’ offered by the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee. The IOC Sports Nutrition Diploma is one of the most valuable sports nutrition diplomas in the world and Emine Sporel Ozakat is the first in her country to hold this diploma. She has completed ‘Integrative Sports Nutrition’ and ‘Performance Nutrition’ courses and applies a functional as well as a holistic approach to sports performance.
Her education in various fields including human physiology, toxicology, pharmacology, neurobiology, nutrition, molecular biology, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and coaching approach as well as mindfulness coaching makes it possible to use a more systemic approach with her clients where genetics, biochemistry and life style habit changing are all addressed in an individualized manner.
She is also the first functional medicine certified health coach in her country. This gives her the ability to apply coaching and motivational interview approaches in an empathic atmosphere to athletic and wellness clients.
She has been involved in sports from early ages of her life. Her sports carrier started with swimming and athletics then continued with professional basketball. She played basketball for BeÅŸiktaÅŸ, one of the country’s top teams and made her way into the national women’s varsity team of English Universities during her studies in England. Her engagement in sports continues with masters category of tennis as she regularly trains and takes part in national and international masters tennis tournaments.
She is the founder of SPOREL BESLENME, SPOREL be well and GURME ATLET. She is a part time lecturer of Biochemistry, Physiology and Nutrigenomics in Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, Arel University, Ä°stanbul. She provides personalized and corporate wellness and athletic performance coaching, counceling and education.
Post-graduate diploma, Sports Nutritionist, IOC-International Olympic Committee.
Ph.D. Rudolf Magnus Institute, Utrecht State University, Holland.
M.Sc. Department of Biochemistry, Toxicology major, Surrey University, England.
B.Sc.Human Biology and Health, Surrey University, England.
Further Education
Integrative Sports Nutrition, Center for Integrative Sports Nutrition, CISN
Performance Nutrition, Institute of Performance Nutrition, IOPN
Anti-Doping Councelor, United Kingdom Anti Doping, UKAD
​Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, FMCHC, Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, FMCA
Professional Coach, ACSTH, AC, ACCT, ICF
Athletic Performance Coach, ICF
Mindfulness Coach, CCE, ICF
Mindful Eating Course, by Jan Chozen Bays
Mindful Eating Certificate, The Mindful Eating Center, TCME
Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic Nutrition Coach, Nutrition Network
Lipedema and Lymphoedema Coach, Lipedema Simplified
Motivational Interviewing in Health Care Certificate, Training by S. Rollnick
Motivational Interviewing Certificate, by MINT accredited MI educator
Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Self Regulation, Heart Math (HRV, Biofeedback)
ReCODE Certified Coach, Reversing Cognitive Decline, Apollo Health
Eating Disorders in Sports & Body Positive Certificate, by F. Sutherland
LCHF for Practical Medical Applications, Nutrition network, NN
Prescribing LCHF in Clinical Practice, Nutrition Network, NN
Diabetes Reversal, Nutrition Network, NN
Obesity Risk & Reversal, Nutrition Network, NN
Reversal of Cognitive Decline, Institute of Functional Medicine, IFM
Brain Train, Functional Aging Institute, FAI
Clinical Herbalist Candidate, Herbal Academy, HA
​Areas of Expertise
Functional and Holistic Approach to Sports Nutrition
Athletic Performance Coach
Personilized Wellness Coach
Mindful Eating & Body Positive Counceling (including athletes)
Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics & Nutrigenomic Kitchen & Functional Foods Counseling
Low Tox – Detox Counceling (including pre-pregnancy)
Low Carb High Fat Nutrition & Ketogenic Nutrition & Reversal of Obesity & Type 2 Diabetes Counceling
Microbiome Counceling
Reversing Cognitive Decline & Brain Fit
Stress Menagement (including HRV biofeedback program)